Teleportfloor | Sunflower Fields

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This is one of the most dangerous dimensions found in Teleportfloor. Already by the name of the dimension, you can guess that it consists of large sunflower fields. But, do not think that you are completely safe.

A giant Japanese hornet lives in this dimension, its speed is 44 km / h

It can be heard by a very vile and loud buzzing.
The only way to escape from him is to knock over a couple of sunflowers, and the hornet will start eating seeds.

If you managed to escape from him, try to hide in the dense places of this field. Then, the hornet will lose sight of you. But, as soon as you hear his buzz again, then, run very fast.

“I don’t know how, but from this crazy jungle I ended up in some kind of sunflower fields. There is nothing but quiet places with sunflowers. Even I managed to calm down. I don't know how long I've been here, but I hope I'm not here forever. Walking through another clearing, I began to hear someone's buzzing. What is it, bees? (I thought). But when I looked at the sunflowers, I didn't see them. And then, I heard that as if someone was flying right at me. Turning around, I saw a large hornet chasing me, I ran with all my might. After 4 km without successful escapes, I stumbled sharply, and my vision went dark. And then I saw that I was lying on some road. And in front of a big dense fog ...

This story was invented by the author of the original story.