
Эта история была скрыта, поскольку набрала слишком много отрицательных отзывов. Рекомендуем начать чтение со следующей истории: (Пародия на Соник экзе).

My friends and I were just playing games. And one of my friends gave me the task to rub my finger on the table. It seems nothing out of the ordinary, but, I accidentally touched a pencil lying not far from me. But the problem was that when I turned around, the pencil was simply not there. I looked under the table, everywhere I could. But there was no pencil. And at that moment I felt that my finger seemed to fall into the place where I rubbed on the table. But, I managed to pull my finger out, and I realized that the pencil fell in there ...

Measurements (found):

stone desert
radioactive zone
sunflower fields
Way home
rain forest

The levels, or measurements, are very dangerous here. In the list above, the measurements are not in order, they are found.

A lot of people died on the "Past" level. It represents the old jungle. There is also water, but it is not recommended to touch or drink it. Its temperature is 50890C° Celsius. And also there are dangerous natives, dinosaurs.

There is a way out of this change. It is located at a distance of 14 million kilometers. There you must rub the big circle with your thumb, and stand on it. And you will either fall back into your world home, or you will fall into one of these dimensions.

The chances of getting back to your world are very slim. Therefore, 15% of people fell into the "Stone Desert" dimension.

It has, desert land and stones. Also, the sun is very hot there. The temperature in this dimension is +42C° Celsius. There you can find human skeletons. And the worst thing is that there is no water in this stone desert. From dehydration, thirst and a mirage will begin to torment you. Another thing that is very strange is that the height of the sky is infinite. And the depth of the earth is also unknown.

There is no information about other levels...