Tale 7
Once Moses-pehambar saw that a shepherd was wheeling down from a hill. Moses-pahambar called the shepherd and asked him:
- Let God bless you, Kuro. Why are you wheeling down?
- I am praying the God, - answered the shepherd. Moses surprised.
- To pray the God you have to stay on your knees before God's face, but you have not wheel down from hill. And he stood down on his knees and showed to the shepherd how he have correctly pray and then left him.
Then Moses-pehambar approached to a sea and touched the water with his crook, and opened the road on the water before him. And he became walking on the water like on dry land. And the shepherd forgot everything and run after the Moses-pehambar and cried:
- Moses-pehambar, Moses-pehambar, please repeat me how I have to pray correctly?
Had a sight Moses-pehambar and see that his feet are little in water but shepherd's feet had none drop on it. And he said to the shepherd:
- Go away and pray as you can. I am Moses-pehambar but my feet are in water a little but yours have not a drop. You are holier then I am.
Moral from this lesson: no matter how to pray, the main to pray from the open heart.