Tale 8
One sheik had got many camels. A herdsman herded them. The herdsman led a beautiful wife. Once the sheik has seen the herdsman's wife and fell in love with her. And decided he to possess her anyway.
Once when her husband was out he visited his house. Herdsman's wife was a very hospitable woman. She welcomed guest inside, offered to the guest everything they had, and then asked:
- Sheik, what brought you in our house.
- I love you and I want you'll divide couch with me.
- Sheik, we are poor people. We are working all day long. Is it not enough for you?
- I don't want to hear a sound - you have to be mine!
Sheik was very obstinate and wise woman decided to teach him.
- Well, I agree, but I have got a condition - you have to guess my riddle.
- Ask your riddle.
- What to do if wineskin is getting rotten?
- To powder it with salt, - answered the sheik.
- But if the salt is getting rotten?
Nothing could answer the sheik. He came back home and called all wise men of his tribe and repeated then the riddle. One wise man stood up and said:
- Sheik, I see you have fell in bad thinking if anybody gives you such riddles. I'll explain the sense of the riddle. You are the salt of our tribe, and if you are getting rotten what can save us?
Surprised sheik by wisdom of the woman was ashamed by his words.