Tale 5
Today I had seen a dream that I fell down into the deep gorge. I looked around and found myself in a cave. There was very dark and gloom inside. I wished to come back but the cave walls closed the path before me. I feared and realized that I could have never seen the Sun and in great horror I became running in undergroud tunnels looking for exit. But everywhere I met only stone walls. I walked into the darkness for a long time till I found myself in high place with many candles in it. There was an old man with a gold crook in his thin hand. I greeted him.
- Salam-aleykum.
- Aleykum-salam, - answered he.
- Father, please, answer me, where am I?
- And you could not recognize yourself?
- No.
- Have you seen these candles? Some are extinguished, other are light. Everybody on the Earth have his own candle over here. People, whose candles are extinguished are dead, but that holders, whose candles that are burning are alive.
I asked him:
- Father, can I see my candle?
- I have not right to show it anybody but you are already here.
The old man went forward to show me the way and I followed him. I saw a square high stone and a big book on it. Old man asked my name, name of my father and where I was born. I answered. He looked in the book and said:
- Let's go I will show you your candle.
And he showed me my candle. And I was very glad because it's fire was very bright.
And I asked old man again.
- I have got a wife. Can I see her candle?
- Well, if you wish you will see it.
And we returned back to the book's place, opened the book and he asked my wife's name, name of her father and where she was born. I answered. And he showed me her candle. It's fire was very weak and candle was very short. And I asked an old man: can I take some wax from my candle and add it to my wife's one?
- No, nobody can do that. - answered the old man and disappeared.
I thought that will not make anything bad if I take some wax from my candle and add it to my wife's one for our lives be equal and we die together. But as soon as I took my candle from out of nowhere appeared a big very old snake and whispered:
- Listen, when I was young there it was already decided when everybody will die. Who are you who can make the lives shorter and longer?
I feared and awoke up.