Tale 4
Ali was very audacious and couregeous man, one of most brave men of the people of Mamad Rasul. Nobody
could defeat Ali. But never his vife Fitima, Mamad Rasul's doughter met his husband, brought rein of his
horse when he returned home. But once Fitima met him and brought rein of his horse and said:
- Welcome my Lord. Please, get out from the horce and come home to have a rest.
After this words Ali became so much proud that couldn't get out from the horse. His cervants couldn't put him down from the horse. They informed about this Mamad Rasul and he gave and an advice:
- Say to Ali, that somebody come to take a duty, but there are no money in his house.
As soon as Ali has heared, that somebody come to take a duty, but there are no money into his home he easy jumped from horse and hurried home.