Tale 18
Death of Moses-pehambar
Rabl-Azat gave to Moses-pehambar nine hundred years of life. These years passed and Moses-pehambar was faced before Rabl-Azat, which said to him:
- Well, Moses, it is the time for your death.
Begged Moses-pehambar:
- Oh, the light my eyes! I roamed from place to place during three hundred years of my life, do not take them in account, three hundred years I was a tiller, do not take them in account too, and only last three hundred years I have left in a city. Only them take in account. Some more years of life present to me! Has presented Rabl-Azat him ninety years. They have passed too. Has stopped Rabl-Azat to Moses-pehambar and said:
- Moses, it is the time for your death.
- Oh, Jebrail, please, I ask you, present me two - three days of life. I have debts. Let me return the debts and to say goodbye to my family and then lead me, where you want.
Agreed Jebrail to wait more. But Moses run away. Was angry Azrail and Jebrail with Moses-pehambar, they changed their image, went out on a road and began to dig a hole with gold pick and shovel. As soon as they have seen Moses-pehambar, they began to dispute. Approached to them Moses, sees - two men are disputing but the pick and shovel which they have is from purity gold. Greeted Moses them:
- Let god help you. Why do you dispute?
- Let god help you too, - answered them.
- What do you dig here? - asked Moses-pehambar.
- Dear, has died our relative. We are digging a grave for him but we have forgotten to measure him. Now we are in trouble, whether to him the grave would be short or long. I say - it is short, and he speaks, that it is good. That is the reason of out dispute.
- And what was body height of your dead man? - asked Moses-pehambar.
- His height was like your. Friend, could you lie down into the grave for a minute and we would measure it?
- And what do you will give me for it?
- That you want.
- Could you give me your pick and shovel?
"It is looks like these fool men do not know, that they made from purity gold", thought Moses.
- All right. You lie and we will put them near your head's place.
Moses lied down.
- All right! And now extend your legs and turn by a face to the east, - said Jebrail.
As soon as Moses has turned by a face to east, Jebrail put pick and shovel near his head and rapidly filled the grave with ground.
The man, which even have hundred years lived, have one way out - death.