Tale 19
The life is stronger than the death
When Iskander Zukurna felt, that there was time to him to die, he called his servants and said:
- My life finished and I am dying. After my death put me on chadar, but let my hand mine hangs down from it because my mother will see me dead and could order to the warriors to kill you. And my hand will be for her the sign of my will.
Iskander has died. Have sent for his mother because the servants afraid to bury the son without his mother. She came, as soon as she have seen a body of the son on the chadar a hanging down hand, has thought: "The god sees, it is the will of my son and his hand is hanging from chadar. My son ordered to the people to make so for I would not become angry. In the world there is nothing eternal: that comes, leaves".
- But I do not solve to bury my son, I shall sit above his head, - she has said.
The people were puzzled: "What have we do? If the mother will not allow us to bury a body, in ten days it will begin to decompose". But they had to obey.
In an empty room have placed a body Iskander and above his head under the ceiling they hung a bread. Then there have intaken his mother.
Some days have passed. The woman has felt her hungry. She has examined the room, has seen the bread hung up under the ceiling. She had to put everything, that could find on the body of her son to reach the bread. And having saturated she has said:
Bury my son. The life is stronger than the death.