Tale 12
Moses-pehambar goes to the god
Once has gone Moses-pehambar in Klim-Ala. His road, as usually, lied through a forest. In the forest there was a spring. Moses was always stopped for a rest near the spring, washed, drank, and then continued his way.
This time he has come to a spring too, washed, had a meal, and lied for a rest not far from, so that there are nobody who could see him.
Suddenly saw - to a spring galloped horseman. He has left his horse, has removed high-gravity hurdjin and hung it up on a tree. Then he washed up, had a meal, drunk, not for long time sat down, then stood up, has inserted his leg in a stapes and, having forgotten about hurjin, left. As soon as he left, other traveler has approached to the spring. He also washed, had a meal and has sat down. Then he noted hurdjin on the tree. He has removed hurjin, looked in it, and saw that there are full of gold in it. He looked backward and to the sides - there wasn't anybody over there. The traveler took the hurjin onto his shoulder and went into a forest.
At this time another traveler came to the spring. He washed his arms, and set down to have a meal. Here are suddenly returned the horseman, who looked for his hurdjin, and could not found.
- Salam! - he has greeted.
- Aleykum-Salam!
- Where is the hurjin, which was hung on this tree?
- I have seen nothing on this tree.
- How have seen nothing? Not for a long time after I have left it on this place you appeared other here. Tell me, where you have hidden my hurjin?
- I swear by this land and this sky, I nothing know.
- Do not swear better! I swear, that all the gold, that was in the hurjin, I shall divide into two equal parts, the part for you and part for me, only return it to me.
- The god sees, I nothing know about your hurdjin. If I have found this hurjin, why for I would sit here? I would have to take it and left this place.
Have not believed to him horseman, has dragged a sable and has cut off the head to the stranger. Then left that place. Has seen all this Moses, was staggered: "Where is the justice? The guilty remained unpunished, and innocent has died?" Came Moses to the god, asked him:
- Of course, all is known to you, but where is your justice?
- You can not see it. That gold, which took the traveller, not belonged to the horseman, but to the traveller. For a long time ago the kin of that horseman robed the house of this traveller. That is why that gold was his and returned to the owner. So the traveller, which have been killed, has been punished right. Early or late it should be happen. They did not know each other and did not know, that their kin were enemies, but I know. Everything is known to me. The perished's ancestors killed the horseman's ancestor. One revenged for himself, other has returned his property. So that near the spring the horseman made not crime but justice.