Tale 13
Moses-pehambar talks to the god
Moses-pehambar often went in Klim-Akla. When he climbed up a mount Tour, the mount hoisted, and the sky lowered and Moses-pehambar could talk to the Creator of the Universe.
Once Moses-pehambar has come to see the God.
- I want to see you, - said he.- It is possible to hear you, but nobody have seen your face. So I came to see you.
- It is impossible for you to see me, - answered God.- You can hardly bear it. But if you wish, turn to my voice by your back and say, what do you see?
When Moses-pehambar turned, he saw behind the him the top of a mount Sin. The creator asked to Moses-pehambar:
- What do you see?
- I see a mount.
- And what is this a mount?
- I do not know.
While talking to the god Moses was looking to the mount. In the meantime god has removed the cover from his face and the flame covered the top of mount. The creator hide his face and asked to Moses:
- What have you seen?
- I have seen that the flame covered the top of mount.
- You see, if the mount on the such great interval from me has lighted up, would a man see the face of god? And above a mount Sin since that time is always smoke.