Tale 11
Hermit and Shajtan
A hermit lived in a cave, he permanently prayed and ate every day only one - two berries of fig. Once has approached to the cave a young man.
- Good day, father! - he greeted. The hermit invited him to come into cave. The young man sat down and they became talking. By his beauty, speech manner and image the visitor so liked to the hermit, that he could not restrain himself and asked:
- Sonny, what is your name?
- Shajtan, father.
- That could not be so, sonny! Shajtan is small, potbellied, lame, one-eyed, with ears, like old shoes. But you are graceful and beautiful.
- Father, god sees I am Shajtan. But kalam, which draws me is in hands of my enemies.