Tale 10
When Creator made Human, Ox, Dog and Monkey he made their life forty years long. Implored Ox:
- Gracious God. I have to hard work all day long during forty years. Please make my life shorter on twenty years.
- All right.
And human is here:
- God, please, add me the twenty years of Ox's life.
- All right.
Then implored Dog:
- Gracious God. I have to bark and fight all day long during forty years. Please make my life shorter on twenty years.
- Let be such.
And human again said:
- God, please, add me the twenty years of Dog's life.
- Let be such.
Then implored Monkey:
- Gracious God. I have to walk ugly all day long during forty years and people would laugh on me. Please make my life shorter on twenty years.
- Here you are.
And human is here again:
- God, please, add me the twenty years of Monkey's life.
- Here you are.
First forty years Human lived like Human - happy and pleasant. Next twenty years he lived like Ox - worked long and hard - saved goods. Next twenty years he lived like Dog - guarded his goods. And the last twenty years he lived like Monkey - walked ugly and people laughed on him.