Clones is over
This is the story of how I decided to try the first part of Sonic as always. It was a mistake....
I started the game, there is the usual inscription sega, the title page and now I'm already in the game. I noticed some oddities back in Green Hill, for some reason there was not one ring, monitor, badnik, just an empty level... at this pace I reached the end of the act, but instead of a sign there was a huge ring waiting for me to enter the special stage. "But I didn't collect a single ring," I thought and jumped into the ring. The usual special stage was waiting for me to collect the chaos emerald, but there was no background, or rather there was, but it was just dark. I didn't pay attention to the background and sent Sonic after the emerald. But as soon as the hedgehog touched the emerald.... "nothing happened?" I thought again and thought that the game was stuck or something with my pc. I didn't have time to come to my senses when suddenly the game went wrong and Sonic appeared on the screen. But he had no eyes, his left leg was dark as night and the right shoe was white, instead of eyes there was some kind of black spot and there was a ring in it, the hedgehog's left hand was not there at all. For about 5 seconds we looked at each other when suddenly an inscription similar to the standard inscription game over appeared, but it was written clones is over, the game started to fail and I couldn't turn it off. A distorted version of game over's music started playing and I decided that I had had enough of it and I turned off my PC from the socket. It didn't help.... the PC remained turned on even without power. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS..." before Sonic could finish, he pulled me into the game.... I became another clone of Sonic... the one who dragged me dragged me here I didn't see anymore....
So far the end (this will be edited)
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