Apal.png (part 2)

Эта история была скрыта, поскольку набрала слишком много отрицательных отзывов. Рекомендуем начать чтение со следующей истории: Маршрут "Великий Новгород - Сергово".

Having moved the soul of Apal , the application was released on the Play Market and on other panels for download. The soul of Apal suffered a mini distortion, it's almost like a splinter, but is it so. The first user. He downloaded this application and the Apal.png file was revived and became active. Apal in a new guise did not understand where he was, and how he got here. James tracked down the first user to talk to Apal. - Hi, - said James: We were able to revive you. - Revive? HOW DO YOU MEAN?