Kurdish heroic epos
than hundred years with lowered.
They say, that in the times of shah Ismail, which was the governor of Iran, in a province Maraga lived one ajam - godless Ђsker-khan. In a province Xerari, boundary with Iran, there was a unassailable and very reinforces rock which called a Dimdim fortress. The prince, which holded it wore a name Abdal-khan. He was young and handsome, therefore he was named Goldenhand. The godless Asker-khan felt great hate to Abdal-khan and inhabitants of Dimdim. The godless Asker-khan gathered in Maraga an army in eleven thousand horsemen and infantrymen. He took guns, army and went to Dimdim to war with khan Abdal. He stayed near the Dimdim fortress and encircled it, that nobody could neither enter, nor to leave it.
In fortress Dimdim there was only seven hundred men, young and aged. Every day khan Abdal with one hundred soldiers attacked the enemy soldiers of Ђsker-khan and he came back with small losses - thus he led war with the Iranian army. The khan Abdal sent a message to pasha of Van about suege and has asked him for a help.
The army of Ђsker-khan enlarged daily. In a besieged fortress of khan Abdal the people died, and his forces rapidly decreased. Thus the army of Ђsker-khan, firing fortress from guns the Dimdim fortress during three months and repeating the attacks, reduces number of the warriors of Abdal-khan from seven hundred up to seventy the person. There was few ammunition and foodstuffs, many families and children died from hunger. The besieged have no place to wait for the help, they were not able to continue straggle with an enemy more longer.
So khan Abdal, not finding any exit out of the situation has called the council of the people, which one still have remained alive. "That shall we do, - he has asked, - what we shall undertake? Neither turks, nor Xekari, nor other Islam people till now have not sent the help to us; from seven hundred warriors, which we had, the majority was died in the battle; now we have only seventy the person alive, ammunition and the foodstuffs finished, the peoples are dying from hunger, so what shall we do? Do we have to surrender the fortress or to make the last attack?" Everybody on this council has said his opinion.
The mother of Abdal-khan, Goar-khanum, which also took part in the council, has exclaimed: "No! It is impossible to appeal for mercy and to surrender the fortress. It is impossible to believe to the words these kizilbashes, they will not keep their promises and agreements. Even if they will sign up the agreement, only in order to tear up it at once and to act with us as with enemies. We combated with such courage within three months, we have sacrificed so much soldiers, which one appeal to vengeance. Better we shall make the following: the men will open the gate of fortress, will leave it and will attack the enemy; we, the woman, who have forces to hold the weapon on the hand shall beat enemy near to you. That concerns to the girl and young wives, what couldn't to battle, let they will make a poison, and when all of you will die, they will drink it not to fall in the hands of godlessnesses. We will collect in one place all the last powder, and when the fortress will be filled by enemies, one of us will fire to it. We shall be blowed up, and the godlessnesses will die too".
Everybody approved opinion of Goar-khanum and have made the conforming alignment of forces. Each was ready to die. On Friday about midday khan Abdal with seventy men and twenty seven woman opened the gate of fortress and, saying goodbye one to another, with small and aged, with the wives and husbands, with battle call run out.
All girls and brides, which have remained inside, were accumulated by a poison and arose onto turrets to see a course of battle, and at this time wife of Abdal-khan, Asima-khanum, began to collect all powder and to pour it in a store-room below under the fortress and then pushed up on turret too to be see the battle. Then Abdal-khan has left the fortress with all his people, kizilbashes decided, that they are escaping, and they seized their sabres and have run to them. The khan Abdal and his daredevils have began bitter straggle at the foot of a fortress.
Last Dimdim heroes bravely shadowed against great number of godlessnesses. The women and girls, looked from the height of turret with the fool of attention, cried and prayed; children cried up to an exhaustion. Have died everybody up to the last person, but the losses kizilbashed were twice and even three times more. As soon as khan Abdal has died together with the soldiers and women, which one were with him in the battle, and then godlessnesses have run in the Dimdim fortress and their crowds have filled it. Many young wives and bride have taken in the poison. Asima-khanum fired a powder and blowed a part of a fortress with all the Persians in it; many families and children of Dimdim was died too, and there are very few people were salvaged.
The women and children who have stayed in alive, were then took out in servitude, the old men and elderly women was died, the fortress was burned. But the losses kizilbashes was incalculable. After that the Dimdim fortress has remained desert and empty. The place, where was the battle, is famous and sacred in Kurdistan, and Molla Bati Mim-Xey has composed a poem about this events. On the meetings kurds like to read it, they sigh, cry and say prays in the memory of Dimdim heroes.
Thunders, thunders, [listen to me],
All you, the nations of the world and all living on the ground!
[I] shall tell to you a story about Goldenhand khan.
Khano goes to Shah.
He asks:
"Present me land by the size of ox skin,
For I could build for myself a house on it".
"About Khano, do not demand it,
Do not build any Dimdim,
Do not cause us any disturbing!
Listen Khano! I can present to you a land by the size of ox skin.
For you could build for yourself a house on it,
But I am afraid, that you [could not] to complete [it].
Go, I give you patch of land by the size of ox skin,
Build to yourself on it a house ".
Khano was rose to his feet, and shah gave him chirek on credit,
Has built Khano the house - construction.
"[The shah] has gave me for the construction a place in five steps [length].
Inshallah, I'll build this house, that [even] khalif and shah will come to greet me".
You are wise man, Khano! You are clever man!
From ox skin has made duel,
Has fenced by it steppe and zozan - basically in mountainous areas;
It became a support for khans.
He softened ox skin,
Cut by it by razor, [that the belt became not thicker than a hair on head,
And covered by it the steppe and zozan. And he became to build the foundation of Dimdim,
Five hundred builders were occupied by it.
"Inshallah, Khano will have good health, then I could call bad lack".
[Here] he became to build Dimdim,
The holes made in rocks, filled by lead,
"Inshallah, I could call to you death".
When Dimdim have been built,
The holes made in rocks, were filled with a lead and cuprum.
"That have I do - the fortress's walls are narrow,
There are not enough of space for [laying] of rocks,
I have measured it by own hands, it makes three hundred eighty two steps widthway".
When Dimdim have been built,
Three hundred builders were beheaded, -
When main tower of a fortress have been built.
When the snow dropped out on the peak of mountain
And by the hoarfrost the steppe was covered,
Khano plundered a merchant's shah's caravan.
When turn white mining snow
And by hoarfrost the steppe was covered,
Hkano again began his brave actions.
The Mir Sejdo has gone to Shah
And began to complain him:
"All my army is erased,
In mountains against me have rebelled lions and tigers".
Shah answered: "Oh, a Mir Sejdo! [I do not know], is it true or not,
[But] Khan [to me] is the valid servant,
He never betrayed to me and progeny of my father".
[The Mir Sejdo answered:] "Of course, Khano [is] like this!
Khano is really raised by you,
[But] now he became an enemy of your faith".
[Shah said:] "Oh, son of mine. A Mir Sejdo! Mine courier has come for a long time ago,
And I know, that Khano has built the house by the size of beehive".
[Mir Sejdo answered:] "Oh, shah! Certainly, your courier has come already for a long time,
But not be deaf, blind and reckless, -
We by our own eyes saw, that on a wall of Dimdim were put a harness on twelve pair of the bulls.
Oh, yes, Khano [is really] like this!
Khano is really raised by you,
[But] now he became an enemy of your faith".
[Khano said:] " The misfortune has come on the lands of Kurdistan!
Collect gold, that it serve a payment,
We should build two water storages.
Bring to us the builders from [all sides of the] country, from [all it] cities,
For their labour pay by gold.
[Let] us will build a water line of twelve wells ".
[Shah ordered:] "Send a message Khalif
Also say him, [that] I give him the gold of Bamuchi,
[Let] he will go on the Dimdim fortress".
[Khalif said:] " Oh, shah! Let you give me two khans
Together with [their] horsemen and infantrymen,
I will destroy the Dimdim fortress".
What it was a day!
How much there was stars on the sky,
So much tents were stood up
Under The Dimdim fortress.
[Shah said:] "Oh, my mother! Oh, my mother!
Give me advice, [suggest] a solution,
Our life is finishing on this word".
[The mother said:] "Oh, son of mine! What is there? There - caravan of merchants.
They still should pay tribute to your father,
If they up to the morning will not pay, we with them shall fighting with them in battle.
Oh, son of mine! They are godlessnesses,
[They] have stood tents near us,
[And] the half of them have pack of a saddles for camels ".
Avdal-bek was young, he armed with a sabre and a shield,
Each night he went out from the fortress.
And three hundred Khalif's tents had made empty.
The commander became Avdal-bek!
He went out from the fortress,
Each night three hundred tents he had made empty.
[Khalif said:] " Send to the Sakh a message -
Let him collect army,
All my soldiers are dead,
In mountains against me have rebelled lions and tigers.
Say to Shah, let him come,
But let him not to make mistakes,
In the fortress against me has rebelled the tiger".
The winter passed, the spring has comes to us,
It is necessary to arm the army,
The kurd's khan is in enmity for us.
The spring passed, the summer comes to us,
It is necessary to collect army,
The kurd's khan - against us.
The summer passed, the autumn come to us,
The armies have good weapons,
The kurd's khan is angry with us.
The autumn passed, the winter comes to us,
Lift the large army!
We will have a campaign against kurd's khan.
One khan is on the way, he approaches closer and closer,
His rear guard for is near the Saline sea,
And advance-guard - [already] near of walls of a fortress,
One khan goes from Salamast -
Somebody tells, what is it lie, and somebody - that it is truth.
Inshallah, will be a khan alive and able-bodied - the blood will stream like acidic milk.
One khan arrived from Taures,
Behind of him stood up the horses in line, [loaded by guns];
"Inshallah, fortress Dimdim I shall destroy by battering-ram".
One khan goes here from Kinjuminje, he nether the Armenian nor kurd:
"Inshallah, Dimdim fortress I shall make a target [for my guns]".
One khan goes from Eruvel, [It seems], all world he collected, going against fortress:
"Inshallah, hardly khan could remain alive, I swear by my own whiskers".
When the khans have collected together,
There were all of them thirty two,
Near Dimdim they have stood, [Shah said:]
"Oh, Khano! You are kurmange,
Accept this crown, [instead of that]
We will make you a target for my guns".
[The Khan answered:]
"I shall not accept your crown.
Seven times I damn your father!
I will not disgrace kurmanges".
[Shah said:]
"Now matter has came to guns,
Shoot from guns on the khan's fortress!
Destroy the khan's fortress!"
Dimdim - is a ridge rock:
There are muskets and guns firing on it,
Watering like a rain -
The rain of bullets is watering on the fortress.
Dimdim is - round rock:
They go on it with picks and axes,
Cloud of a dust closed the sky.
Dimdim is - rock in water:
Five hundred gun salvos shoot at it -
None stone have been moved from it place.
[Shah ordered:] "Bring up large guns,
Win expensive necklaces and rings,
Fire at Large fortress turret,
Destroy the fortress of khan up to the foundation!
Bring up small guns,
Win expensive necklaces and mirrors,
Fire at Market fortress turret.
Bring up Long-range guns,
Lying along of wagons.
Fire at a fortress of khan!
Destroy a fortress of khans!
Bring lengthy guns,
Charged by gunners for a long time ago,
Shoot at rooms, where they are praying.
Bring guns from Barzan,
Which muzzles are bowl size,
Fire by them at turrets of khan.
Bring here guns from Enzal,
Which muzzles are about the boiler size,
Fire by them at fortress turrets.
Gunners, prepare the guns!
Make hundred gun fire volleys,
Destroy the Dimdim fortress".
Gunners prepared their guns,
Hundred guns fired together,
[Then] they have been charged again,
Have fired at fortress walls, -
[But] none rock have been moved from the place.
Be damned a kind these gunners!
[Like] by blank charges they have shot -
And a stone they have not moved from it's place;
"Gunners! Bring up guns,
Put in larger powder,
Input two cores in each gun,
[For] the cores would adhere to the walls of the fortress, -
Fortress Dimdim become rickety"
Gunners brought up guns,
Filled more to powder in it,
Have charged with two cores each gun,
Have directed them on walls of the fortress -
Fortress Dimdim vibrated.
The large guns rumbled -
The large turret thundered out,
Lions on it is loudly howled.
The large guns fired -
The large turret buzzed,
Lions cried out their names.
"Bring guns with golden muzzles,
Which cores have weight in hundred vakin".
The khans were sleeping [in Large turret],
[And] they have not known about guns.
"Bring guns with black muzzles,
Which cores have water-melon size,
Destroy fortress of the khan,
[Let] the Large guns shoot,
Erase the part of turret.
Then khamunes will cry".
The large guns have shot,
And the part of turret was destroyed,
Khanumes have begun to cry,
"I khan, Goldenhand khan,
The fortress Dimdim is made from rock -
There is not a crack in it,
Thanks God, I was not Dimdim, [and] became Dimdim,
I was kurmange, [and] became khakim,
Now shah of agames has come to destroy the fortress.
When my heart cries,
To the sky are flying the birds of my fortune,
Seven years we growing the garden and [already] are eating the grapes from it".
As soon as passed seven years,
The dog of the Knan has brought puppies,
[Then from its milk] have cooked acidic milk and have sent to shah.
Shah said: "Already passed seven years,
Acidic milk we could not find anywhere,
And [suddenly] this food bring to me from the fortress?..."
He ordered: "We shall hurry! Let's hurry!
Saddle horses!
Otherwise we shall be erased by kurdish khans".
[And here in the fortress] has appeared damned Mahmad,
[He] has winded the letter around of a arrow
And has send it in a shah's tent,
He informed on a place of a spring and underground water line.
And appeared Mahmad, [the son] bagy,
The letter on leaf of pear-tree
Indicated a source of a underground water line,
Appeared Mahmad Alakani,
Ulcer to you under your tongue! -
He became the reason [ of destruction] of Khan's stability,
He linked in chain little rings,
Mahmad on it was dropped downwards [from the fortress].
[Shah said:] "Bring him, I shall interrogate him".
Mahmad said to the servants [of shah]:
"If it is not a shame [for shah],
I would like become [him] a servant".
Shah said: "Oh, Mahmad Alkani!
You are dog, [you are] - devil's kin,
Why you became the betrayer of Temir-khan?"
[Mahmad answered:] "Oh shah, it was like this and not like this,
Each day he presented to me a shield, [full] of gold,
And today has not make me present,
Therefore [and] I betrayed him".
[Shah said:] "Oh, Mahmad Alkani!
You are dog, [you are] - devil's kin!
I have got here three hundred foreign servants,
I [even] not each day I give them a piece of bread,
If they will betrayal to me, my bread will kill them.
Bring, bring, bring,
Large gun here bring!
Input in it Mahmad,
Flatten out him into the fortress's wall!"
"We have brought, we have brought it!
Large gun we brought here,
Have input in it Mahmad,
And flattened him into fortress's wall ".
[Shah] said: "Let hell take you, Mahmad Alkani!
You are dog, [you are] - devil's kin!
You wanted serve to me, like to Temir-khan?"
Early in the morning sent kafires their leaders,
[And] they saw the source of water line.
Early in the morning, when faki have undertaken for msines,
The water in waterstorage has appeared blended with a blood.
Khano examined the water line, -
As like fire burned his heart:
"Oh, my god! It is sick to me for children in cradles".
When they were cut from the water line,
The teardrops did not stop on eyes of the khan:
"Oh my god! It is sick to me for children in swing cradles!"
The Khan called the council,
[He said:] "The life is sweet, the sin - is high-gravity.
Who wants to leave with family, let go, [I] give him my permission.
Who cares about his goods and about children,
He should not go with me,
Let there not will be sin on me before the god".
They answered: "Oh, Khano! The khan-leader".
Faki armed with bows and arrows:
"We shall lose our heads only on the tomb of our Khan-leader".
[The khan said:] "Oh, my mother! Oh, my mother! Give me advice and suggest me the solution,
Our life comes to end on this word,
Nobody will come to help us".
[The mother said:] "Oh, my son! Be afraid of the god!
Give to noble horses enough forage!
Which of you will leave house with sword in his hand?"
[Hahn] said: " Hurry, hurry!
Break out doors of treasuries,
Melt our gold and silver!
Dip there sabres our man -
Who will own them after our death? "
"We have hurried, we have hurried,
We have broken out doors of our treasuries,
We melt gold and silver,
Have dipped there sabres man".
"Go on the upper floor,
Wake newlyweds behind canopy -
[Is it possible] for father should wait for his son!"
Avdal-bek stood up, stood up,
He an put on armour from the skin,
The squad of the young men has gone behind him,
Near the father he stood up,
In one line with his father he stood up,
[And] even exceeded him a little.
Avdal-bek said to his wife:
"Oh, you, small, with a bracelet on your arm,
Shah gave your to me in the wife,
How much young men were ruined by it".
[Khan said:] "Hey, lead here the young man from sharaf;
You on battle field do not swear [for nothing],
Take better double-edged sword.
Lead here the young man from banana -
Brave man of our time;
Take damask-xorasan sword.
Lead here the young man from dershive;
On the battle field you must hope only on yourself,
Take sword with silver ephesus.
Call the young man from mall -
He among weapons of the Khan
Have chosen to itself [only] this truncheon.
Call the young man from bilbases;
On battle field you are brave man,
Take here this musket. Oh, young man from bektar,
You live in inaccessible mountains.
Come, select [to yourself the most] best weapon".
"The word the man is strong,
If I shall take a sword and he will break in my hand,
And it will be a shame to me before you.
Khano, I ask you,
Make one sworn from two ones,
Make a steel shield,
Dress on it a bronze hoop,
Then I will no feel fear before shah's army".
Khano stood up, and rapidly run,
The Khan has come running to the blacksmith,
"Oh, blacksmith! Let me ask you,
Make one sword from two ones,
Make a steel shield,
Encircle it with bronze hoop,
[For] with this [weapon] it would be possible up to reach to shah's tent".
The blacksmith rose and rapidly run,
Has made steel shield,
Encircled it with bronze hoop,
Gave it to kurd's khan.
The Khan came backward,
He said: "Oh, my son! Take your sword,
Defend by it".
The son took the sword,
He cried out the name of god.
Once waved by sword -
The sword's hand lever has flown away.
Be are damned the fathers of these blacksmiths -
Their work [anybody] it is not necessary!
[Let] beards of their fathers be in manure,
Who such sword [is necessary]?
It need throw it on the tomb of the blacksmith's father".
The blacksmith rose and quickly run,
Took Khano's sword,
Riveted it by two nails,
Returned sword to khan Mukri,
And said: "Now go on a field of swearing and do not complain of us ".
Khan has come back backward,
And said: "Oh, my son! Take the sword,
Defend by it".
The son took the sword,
Cried out the name of the god,
Once waved by sword -
Sword was came as desirable.
[Khan] said: " Rise! Rise! Let us go!
Let's saturate sword with blood! Better mores, than such life. Rise!
The time favours us,
Release belts of shields,
We from the god wait for success and good luck ".
Rise! It is time. It is time to release belts of weapons,
We from the god wait for success and good luck ",
Avdal-bek has gone away from a fortress,
To a new source went,
He drank water from a spring,
On a rock leaned his elbow,
Long glass to eyes he affixed,
Tents of kafirs he counted -
There are forty thousand ones, no one there are less.
"Oh, father! Count tents of kafires,
There are no less them than forty of thousand:
With black banners, -
There wings are open,
They are cut to us roads and [mountain] passings.
With yellow banners, -
It is the soldiers [from armed] of squads,
They cut to us approaches to forts and bridges.
That with red banners, -
It is the soldiers, [having] by huge force,
They enclosed us.
That with white banners, -
It is the people with sabres,
They cut to us from the source of water.
That with parti-coloured banners, -
This is the people noble and famous,
They already have occupied a part of battle field,
With blue banners, -
It is the people from Bakdian,
They are by force leaded here,
[And] I have no fear before them.
Ah, my father! You lingered a long time,
[We] want to attack with swords this concourse.
Oh, father! Let us stop waiting in disgraceful calmness,
[We] want to attack with swords an enemy,
Will not come more help from kurmanges.
Rise! Rise! Be ready!
Clean Khano's horse,
Dress on a gold bridle,
Give your life for my father".
Dressed [gold] a bridle,
Have tightened belly-bands of Khano's horse.
Up to thousand [of the soldiers] they had.
[The tartar-bek cried:]
"I the nephew of khans,
[I] am chained and I am tied,
There are not me in your lines".
"Yes, you are the nephew these [strong] elephants,
Tear the hobbles and fetters,
Hurry to the aid of the khan of the emirs!"
The tartar-bek shook yourself,
Hobbles and fetters has torn,
Of tent jumped out,
To the aid of rose.
Beet trommels, play nikares!
- Them became one thousand.
Goldenhand khan-sadar [said:]
" I am Khan from the khans-emirs,
My head - [as] a anvil before arrows,
My chest - [as] a shield before swords"!
Stood up a khan with gold fingers,
By belts he tied himself:
"I lead struggle - [ my struggle is] true".
[They] came to hard-to-reach gates.
[Khan] said:
"We will go on foot,
I hope - we shall stay alive".
They came to a stair,
Growled against each other two lions,
One on a name of Kar, other on a name Kanun.
"I am khan - Godenhand khan,
The master of the Blue sea,
I will disgrace you".
"I am khan Avdal from Botan,
I shall pass the sea on a floor,
I know, what shame on you".
"Tomorrow army will be dissolved.
Without forages, without bread and waterless,
Wake up early, as soon as I give the sign to you".
They dropped up to the upper door,
Khan growled, like lion.
Sent khalif the Hahn a crown -
Khalif acted slyly.
"Oh, khalif, you are aged dog, you are running behind bitch,
The dog's manure in your whiskers
I do not admit your crown,
In the name of god and the prophet I do not admit your crown,
Eight hundred damnations to your father,
Kurmanges I not shame".
[Khalif said:] "Oh, Khano! Many problems it is not a sin,
Whose visitor would you be today? " [Khano said:]
" We are the brave men from Dimdim,
The we are masters of our swords,
We hesitate [to be the guests] of shah,
We [better] we shall the khalif's guests;
We - brave men from Dimdim, dancing [in the battle],
We are owners of swords with diamonds,
We - shah Abbas's guests".
[Khalif said:] " Oh, Khano! Here are countless set of visitors,
In whose house do you want to be a guest this night?
You are for me desired guest,
Take off your weapon,
Lean your elbows on pillow! "
Khano set down with weapons,
Khalif surrounded him with pillows, -
He did this way for to kill Khano.
Khano sworn on the sacred book:
"Weapons I shall not take off
Up to evening council".
Decided Khano in a tent
To take out sword from scabbard
[And] has not delayed it in it.
"Cut on kafir's necks!"
Khano cried out in the name of god,
He put out sword from scabbard,
One sweep -
Cut off a khalif's head and his nephew's ones.
The noise - was awake up in the army
Panther are let out on wild boars;
Khalif and his nephews are dead.
"Get up, Avdal-bek, -
You are in mail;
We have killed many men".
Avdal-bek in fight has turned back,
He put out sword from scabbard, [holds it] in hands.
The Khan tells to the son:
"Well, open the wings,
Let them strong battle,
Do not die not vengeance".
Our battle has gone along valleys,
The tartar-bek became prosecution,
From noble horses were removed the saddles.
Khano was not aged and is not young -
He has killed twelve vezires,
Adjame's has killed by sword.
"Oh, you, brave men! Look around,
Tighten bellybands of your horses,
Vengeance for a blood Avdal-bek.
Brave men, you were decided?
Take your deadly weapon,
Cut these kafirs".
"Oh, khans! Oh, khans!
It is enough to kill innocent,
Wake up for shah and princes!"
" Well, hurry up!
Hurry! Scatter a powder on the ground,
Erase army [ of shah Abbas],
With the root pull him out.