Tale 23
Baluli Zana and Harun Al Rashid
Padishah Harun Al Rashid was famous by his cruelty. His brother, Baluli Zana, was very upset because of it:
- I must to burn in a hell for sins of my brother.
Padishah Harun Al Rashid once has pronounced: "Who would see smiling Baluli Zana, I give him a gold present".
Once has come Baluli Zana on a market, sees - goat's body hangs on a hook. Has seen that Baluli Zana and burst out laughing. As soon as has seen that the butcher, he put down his axe and in all his forces run to the palace. He came running and fell to the ground before padishah:
- Let extend you days, great padhishah! Is laughing your Balul, just I have heard it by my own ears.
Has not believed him padishah and ordered to call Balul.
- Brother, is it truth, what you was laughing?
- Yes, the my brother, I laughed, because I understood, that each answers for his own sins.