Tale 21
Two brothers
Picked two brothers in the autumn a crop, carried it to the threshing floor and divided it equally. While they divided grain, the night has occurred. Mume said to the younger brother:
- Gasan, dear, you see this year poor harvest. If both of us shall fall asleep, here would be a hunter on our wheat. Let's to sleep by turns.
Gasan agreed and offered:
- You lie down and sleep, and I will guard. If I would be drowsy, I shall wake you.
Mume fallen asleep. After then little time has passed, Gasan thought:
- My older brother has large family, a lot of children, let me pour to him three codes of my wheat".
Then came time Mume to wake up. Has woken Gasan to the brother, and himself lied to sleep. Walked Mume several times along the threshing floor and decided:
- The younger brother is so young, he has got little experience in trade, he can be deceited, let me pour him four codes of my wheat.
And in the meantime god saw all this and decided:
- If they so like each other and care about each other, let me enlarge their wheat in three times.
There was a morning. The brothers have woken up, look that the both wheat enlarges. Mume asked Gasan:
- What's this mean?
- At the night I poured to you three codes wheat.
- And I to you poured four codes.
- It means, that the god enlarged our parts, - the joyfully decided brothers and began to work.