Tale 15
Moses-pehambar and a girl
Once Moses-pehambar rode on horseback along the food of mountain, sees - a tent. He went into the tent and wanted to have a meal in it. As soon as he dismounted, the tent left a girl, as gazelle. She was so beautiful, that you could not take your eyes off her.
She has taken his horse to the bridle and take it to the in a stable. Then she invited Moses to come into the tent, treated, as the most dear visitor. Ќ® loved Moses-pehambar the beautiful girl, and he asked her:
- The kind girl, are you married or not? She liked the guest too.
- No, - she answered.
Moses was delighted, took her promise to marry to him and put on her finger a ring. The night they have slept together, and in the morning Moses said:
- The light of my eyes, I have got some business, I shall go and made it and I shall come back tomorrow in the morning.
He said goodbye and the girl and says to him:
- The slave of God, rremember the place where the tent stand up. Do not confuse, when you will return. Smiled Moses-pehambar and left. Let he goes on his business, and we shall see, that his bride does. She changed clothes on rags and became similar to the old woman. On the place of the tent has stretched old, ragged tent and began to wait Moses.
Returned Moses-pehambar, looks - instead of a beautiful tent stands aged, ragged tent, and instead of beautiful girl - an old woman, which hardly moves by her legs. As soon as Moses has turned to leave, the old woman caught the horse's bridle and said:
- Moses-pehambar, where do you go? The god is witness, this is your house, and I am your wife.
- Keep the god in rest. What do you want from me? Let the horse free, I should go.
But the woman strong holds the horse and do not allow to Moses to go.
- Well, if I am not your wife let us go to kazi, - said she, - let he give us divorce. Or I shall kill both you and your horse.
Sees Moses-pehambar - there is no other exit, and agreed. They came to kazi, told to him all from the beginning up to the end. Kazi listened to them and has asked to Moses:
- Moses-pehambar, do you refused from this woman?
- Yes, I do. What do I need this old woman for?
- And you, woman?
- If he is refused from me, let he give me divorce.
- Moses-pehambar, here are three stones for you. - Said kazi.- Throw them out one and iterate by this woman, that since today she to you a sister or a mother.
Moses has made everything, that ordered kazi, and all of them went each by his road.
Moses-pehambar decided to find his bride. He came on a former place, sees - both tent in place, and bride near the tent. As soon as he approached, as the girl asks:
- Who are you and what for did you stay at my tent? Has laughed Moses and said:
- Do you remember, who am I, don't you?
- I know, that you are Moses-pehambar, but you did not recognized me. You missed your happiness and not recognized your wife in an old woman. Three stones - our divorce. So go from here on all of four sides.
ЊгбҐ-pehambar could nothing to say and left out.